Quickly sync two nestable sliders in Bricks Builder for WordPress.
function initSync() { initTimeout = setTimeout(syncSliders, 50); } function syncOnResize() { resizeTimeout = setTimeout(syncSliders, 260); } function syncSliders() { const main = bricksData.splideInstances['47db29'], thumbnail = bricksData.splideInstances['636b7b'] if( main && thumbnail) { main.sync(thumbnail) } clearTimeout(initTimeout); } document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initSync) window.addEventListener("resize", syncOnResize)
{ "type":"slide", "direction":"ltr", "keyboard":"global", "height":"auto", "gap":10, "start":0, "perPage":"3", "perMove":1, "speed":400, "interval":3000, "autoHeight":true, "autoplay":false, "pauseOnHover":false, "pauseOnFocus":false, "arrows":false, "pagination":false, "focus": "center", "isNavigation": true, "updateOnMove": true, "breakpoints":{ "580":{ "perPage":"2" }, "320":{ "perPage":"1" } } }
Extra tip from Maxime Beguin in Bricks group: For use with multiple sync sliders, give your main and thumb sliders classes and use this JavaScript instead of the one above
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { // Query all the wrappers const wrappers = document.querySelectorAll('.sync-sliders-wrapper'); // Stop the function if there is no sync slider if (wrappers.length < 1) return; // Init function let init = (mainSliderId, thumbSliderId) => { const main = bricksData.splideInstances[mainSliderId], thumbnail = bricksData.splideInstances[thumbSliderId]; // stop the function if the both sliers instances doesn't exist if (!main || !thumbnail) return;; // Mount the sync slider main.sync(thumbnail); }; // Loop into each wrapper wrappers.forEach(wrapper => { // Set the ID's of sliders const mainSlider = wrapper.querySelector('.sync-sliders-main'), mainSliderId = mainSlider.dataset.scriptId, thumbSlider = wrapper.querySelector('.sync-sliders-thumb'), thumbSliderId = thumbSlider.dataset.scriptId; // Run the function on load setTimeout(() => { init(mainSliderId, thumbSliderId); }, 0); // Rerun the function on resize because bricks reinit the sliders on each resize event window.addEventListener("resize", () => { setTimeout(() => { init(mainSliderId, thumbSliderId) }, 300); }); }); });
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